
Slavery and Imperialism

Bad as African slavery was, it was not genocide.

(A propos of Prof. David Starkey who, for saying as much, was thrown out of Cambridge University)

Bad as imperialism and colonialism were, they were not responsible for hopeless backwardness of many former colonies.


Bad as racism is, it is not responsible for the fact that races exist.

Bad as white Americans are, they are not responsible for the fact that so many American blacks kill each other.

Men and Women

Bad as men are, they are not responsible for women’s weakness, vulnerability, and need for protection.

Bad as rape is, it is not the worst thing that can happen to a person.

(The worst, I think, is losing one’s children; but then feminists of all kinds are too self-centered to realize this).

Family and Abortion

Bad as some families are, they are not as bad as not having one at all.

Bad as abortion is, it is not as bad as forcing a child to be born against its parents’ will.


Bad as children sometimes are, they are not responsible for the evils of the world.

Independent as some children are, they can not make do without a mother, preferably a full-time one who is always there for them.

Crime and Punishment

Bad as punishment is, it is not as bad as a society in which there are no punishments.

Bad as some crimes are, they are not as bad as capital punishment is.

Politics and Government

Bad as certain governments are, they are not as bad as the absence of government.

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Bad as democracy is, it is not as bad as all other forms of government.

Young and Old

Bad as the old may be, often it is not as bad as the new.

Bad as gerontocracy may be, often it is not as bad as government by the young.

Inequality and Capitalism

Bad as inequality is, it is not as bad as enforced equality.

Bad as capitalism sometimes is, it is not as bad as communism.

Union and Disunion

Bad as many walls are, they are not as bad as the bloodshed they sometimes prevent.

Bad as disunity is, it is not as bad as a zillion people shouting Heil in unison.


Germans and Nazis

Bad as the Germans in 1933-45 were, “exterminative anti-Semitism” was not widespread among them.

Bad as the guards at concentration camps were, they were not very different from most other people.

History and Memorial

Bad as history is as a method for looking into the future, it is not as bad as all the rest.

Bad as pulling down old monuments is, it is not as bad as the killing that will invariably follow.

Freedom and Tyranny

Bad as war is, it is not as bad as the denial of freedom.

Bad as many utterances are, they are not as bad as denying people the right to make them.


If you don’t think most of what I’ve been saying is true most of the time, then there is no hope for you. Go and drown yourself in the nearest river.