That Nasty Five Year Old

Looking up Israel’s most important news site some time ago, the first thing I saw was a story about a five-year old (not the one shown in the picture of course, who appears to be flying, on his own, from X to Y). Apparently he had brought a “sharp kitchen knife” to kindergarten and threatened to “kill all the girls” by “some kind of magic.” Not a word about the most important question, i.e why; perhaps it is simply too early. Since it is doubtful whether a five year old is able to explain himself in a coherent way about such a matter, let alone escape what adults tell him or her about him or herself, we are unlikely to know in the future either.

The original, Hebrew-language, story may be found at Let teachers, social workers, child psychologists, child psychiatrists, education officials, police officers, lawyers, and other good people whose job includes keeping the young in line worry about the case. For many of them it has the advantage that it will keep their hands busy and the cash flowing for some time to come. Until they come up with their learned conclusions, though, I want to say a few words about some other things that are surely going to happen if feminists pursue their “war against boys,” as one well-known female American writer has called it.

  • Much to the joy of the AF clinics and the adoption agencies, more women are going to postpone having their first child until they are over 35 years old.
  • Fewer and fewer children, both male and female, are going to have full-time mothers to look after them; the age at which they are entrusted to “professionals” (most of whom are female, and thus by definition unable to serve a role models for boys beyond a certain age) is going to go down and down.
  • Divorce, that plague of modern social life, has long been initiated mainly by women. Now it looks as if it is going to increase even further. As a result, fewer and fewer children will grow up with both their natural parents living together in a more or less harmonious way.
  • Society is going to define more and more forms of contact between the sexes, as “harassment,” “abuse,” and “rape,” thus causing the number of such cases to explode. As they do so more and more men are going to fall into the clutches either of the police or of the medical establishment. Either way their lives will be ruined, sometimes before they even got under way.
  • Hatred between the sexes, rather than diminishing as women catch up with men and become more like them, will grow and reach levels hitherto unknown.
  • More women, both old and young, are going to be killed or injured by their male fellow students, boyfriends, fiancés, husbands, etc. In the process, the age of both perpetrators and victims is going to decline.
  • As more and more women pursue careers similar to those of men, the gap in life-expectancy between them and men is going to shrink. In time, it may even disappear altogether.
  • As society continues its obsession with “toxic masculinity” and the like, Western values are going to be eroded even more than they already have been. Including equality in front of the law, the right to a fair and open trial, the presumption of innocence, and the requirement that accusers face their attackers and submit to cross examination.
  • As resentment among men increases, democracy will grow more precarious and tend to be replaced by some form of authoritarianism. For what it may look like, see Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale (not the TV series, which is totally dumb, but the original book).
  • Geopolitically speaking Western countries, the only ones where feminism is taken more or less seriously, are going to decline in comparison with the rest.

Finally, these propositions are testable. Keep the list for five or ten years, and we’ll see.